Birth Balance Presents


Breech Presentation – Natural Remedies:

Over the years I have developed a ‘session’ with clients to help turn Breech babies naturally. I meet with them for 1.5 hours and we go over:  “Belly Mapping,” a list of exercises (which we will practice), DreamBirthTM Imagery for turning a breech baby, how to get to the core of stressors in their lives, homeopathy, moxabustion and pressure on bladder 67. There will be handouts, demonstrations and practice on each other.  (3 Hours)

Pelvic Floor and Pushing:

Part One: The Pelvic Floor. Unless someone has done a lot of yoga or concentration on this area most people know very little about it. In this segment I will cover: physiology of the pelvic floor, discussion of spontaneous lacerations vs. episiotomy, natural remedies for repair, correct way to do kegel and perineal massage.  There will be demonstrations and handouts in class and over Internet. (1.5 Hours)
Part Two:  Pushing. The pushing stage is often not effectively covered in childbirth classes. Today with 98% of births in hospitals and or birth centers, many couples are ending up in the classic obstetrical C-position or side lying. At my pre-natal meeting I explain what happens to mother and baby during the pushing stage.  I will share with you my ‘formula’ for an effective ‘C-Pushing position’ or ‘side-lying position.’ I have found if woman at least have some forewarning of what will be required of them, they integrate their breath, bodies and connections with their babies much more readily when pushing occurs.  There will be handouts, discussion, demonstrations and DreamBirthTM Imagery for pushing. (1.5 Hours)
When:  May 23rd, 2010, Sunday from 10 am to 5 with an hour break for lunch.
(If I am at a birth date: June 6th, Sunday.)

 309 W. 109th Street, Apartment 6D, Between Broadway/Riverside. (#1 LOCAL train to 110th St. stop)

Cost:  $125
(Must send in fee ahead of time to secure a spot.)

Send Check to:
Judith E. Halek, Birth Balance, 309 W. 109th St., Apt. 6D, NYC, NY 10025.  

Contact Information:


Contact Judith  212-222-4349   NYC, NY
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