Feel free to download and use these articles, protocols,
literature reviews and bibliography. The *
in front of the articles and protocols have been furnished
by Waterbirth International. Please credit accordingly.
Downloads A Comparative Study of Over 2,000 Waterbirths - Frauenfeld, Switzerland Australian Waterbirth Editorial - A warning Beverly Beech on Waterbirth - "It's time we started taking labour and birth in water more seriously." BMJ January 2004: Cluett Study of Waterbirth as an Alternative Pain Management Strategy - Randomised controlled trial of labouring in water compared with standard of augmentation for management of dystocia in first stage of labour Guidelines for Warm Water Immersion for Labor and Birth Guidelines for the Use of Water in Labour and Birth - College of Midwives - British Columbia Literature Reviews - A review of the literature prepared by Traci Elliff, CNM MIDIRS Article - Barbara Harper wrote an interesting piece on re-evaluating the temperature of water during a waterbirth published in MIDIRS, December 2003. Morton Plant Mease Health Care - Protocols for Water Immersion Oregon Health and Sciences University Water Birth Guidelines RCOG Waterbirth Guidelines - January 2001 Response Letter to 2004 Pediatrics Article: Missing the Point or Missing the Evidence - Mother says photograph of her son is misinterpreted Spanish Protocols - Parto en agua protocolos- En Español The Wonders of Waterbirth - In Metro-Parent Magazine, pgs 10-16 Underwater Birth and Neonatal Respiratory Distress: Letter of Response - June 2005 - Response to BMG May 2005 article (see AAP Pediatrics Arictles) Water Exercises in Birth Pools - The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kizinger, © 2000 UK Collaborative Hospital Audit of Waterbirth - 2001 Dianne Garland (MIDIRS)