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Waterbirth Latest Articles and Protocols

Feel free to download and use these articles, protocols, literature reviews and bibliography. The * in front of the articles and protocols have been furnished by Waterbirth International. Please credit accordingly.

Protocols have been developed as "Guidelines," which change from time to time.


Austrian WB Abstract: 2003 - 265 Deliveries in a University Hospital Compared to Women of Same Age, Parity, and Gestational Age Not Birthing In Water

BJOG - A Pilot Study for a Randomized Controlled Trial (RTC) of Waterbirth

Chinese Radomized Controlled Trial on Waterbirth - A Field Report of 51 Cases

Influence of Alternative Birth Methods on Traditional Birth Management - the changing pattern of birth methods and birth management in our clinic under the influence of the new birth concept are analysed

Italian Waterbirth Study: 2001 - 555 waterbirths

Israeli Waterbirth Study: 1998 - Underwater birth is now deemed an acceptable type of delivery

Otigbah - A Retrospective Comparison of Waterbirths and Conventional Vaginal Deliveries

Swiss Waterbirth Study - The most comprehensive study on waterbirth to date. Doctors from the Swiss clinic in Frauenfeld look at their hospital before and after the integration of waterbirth.

Waterbirths and the Exposure to HIV - Abstract on HIV and Waterbirth


AAP Pediatrics Articles and Other Negative Articles

2004 Schroeter: Waterbirths: A Naked Emperor

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004 - Waterbirth Effect on

Newborn Poorly Defined

BMJ May 2005: Underwater Birth and Neonatal Respiratory Distress

Pediatrics Commentary 2005: Underwater Births

Perinatal Medical Opinion: Amos Grunebaum and Frank A. Chervenak 2004

Ruth Gilbert Commentary

Underwater Birth - Missing the Evidence or Missing the Point

Underwater Birth - A Near Drowning Experience


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